I decided to create this blog at the end of last year and since then have written many, many entries in my head - but now the time has come to put these down on paper. Sadly my mind is now a complete blank. I cannot remember any of those witty opening sentences, interesting subjects and brilliant writing. So it will be straight in at the deep end!
My plan is to write an account of the food that passes through my kitchen, how we grow and where I like to shop. I do not expect I will be able to do this without reference to other areas of life - reading, concerts, yarn, spinning, knitting and more yarn.
I actually like going to the supermarket, although I prefer small local shops. The trouble is that however strictly I try to stick to my list, I always end up with delicious extras in my basket that I cannot live without. On Saturday I visited Waitrose (food heaven of supermarkets) and ended up with a jar of stem ginger to add to vanilla ice cream for a posh pud. I love ginger but I suspect this would not be the first choice of deserts for himself. So, to overcome the urge to impulse buy, I am now shopping on line from Abel & Cole. They are wonderful. My delivery arrives at the crack of dawn on Wednesday morning and almost all the packaging is recycled (I hate supermarket carrier bags). Nearly everything we get from this lovely company is fresh and tasty - although I did complain the other day about sarpo potatoes which go black and have little taste - ugh.
And talking of potatoes, himself decided that the Charlotte early potatoes must be ready to dig up - so he dug and brought me home half a dozen tiny potatoes so I think we will wait another week or two to dig up some more.
Dinner tonight will be macaroni cheese topped with sliced tomatoes and served with green beans. Pudding with have to be fresh fruit as we both need to be out by 7pm. Himself has been on the allotment all day so I am spoiling him with one of his favourite dinners.
Hello - Great start! I'm following x c